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Йода, магистр Джедаев, Звёздные войны


15 091 просмотр
9 августа '15
8 лет 276 дней назад

The Darksome One

[ uploaded image ]
Опубликую для рысей несколько своих стишков на английском.

The Darksome One

A stranger looked at you with his dark eyes.
He’s clad in black, black are his thoughts, he lies
To his dark friends, quietly they stand beside.
You can’t avert your gaze, you hide
Your face into your thought-would-be-prophetic dreams,
Down to the olden dusty halls of infant tiny greeds…

Immersed in crystal waters at your sacred sandy shore,
Equipped with perfect garb at your mystique apparel store,
He glows with finest air of the deeds undone,
The chances lost, the world despised, the sombre fun.
Now he is gone… The odds to see him once again are few.
You never will forget him, because he’s you.
  Написал Хо Ши Мин  



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